Thursday, 29 August 2019

No Deal Brext Coming Soon To A Former Democracy Near You

Bunch of Yellow Banana

Yesterday was eventful.   Johnson asked the Queen to suppress the parliamentary timetable.  Within hours a petition was up objecting to it and attracting thousands of signatures and by the evening there were crowds of protestors in cities up and down the country.  I have given up predicting what happens next, but this must surely be a significant development.

Monday, 26 August 2019

Brexit and Poodleisation of the UK

There was one of those big media events that get forgotten about almost before they finish over the last couple of days.  World leaders gathered in Biarritz for some sort of meeting.  No doubt there was a serious agenda in there somewhere and quite likely some good work was done.  But the coverage was pure soap opera, with it all to do with how the great men and women got on with each other.  And it wasn't a very good soap opera because nothing much happened.   Gossip needs a bit of fizz to make it interesting.

I Don't Think Things Are So Bad

Weirdly I feel very optimistic.  I was expecting the Tories to win big.  Well they won a lot bigger than I expected.  Their losses in th...