Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Nobody Is Talking About Brexit

Photograph of Men Having Conversation Seating on Chair
Stock photo of implausibly attractive people representing the ones I know
There was a time earlier in the year when lots of people were talking about Brexit.  But now the leave date has passed and there isn't a credible new one in place yet it all seems to have gone quiet again.  I think it is a subject everyone is avoiding because although it no longer seems like a live issue it continues to be highly controversial.  It isn't often you want to get into an argument with someone on a subject that they are quite likely to get wound up about.  And if you do, there's always Twitter.

So I have now lost track of which way opinion is moving amongst the people I interact with on a daily basis.  Logically the trend against Brexit is continuing but with no data it feels like we are back to deadlock.

The most frustrating thing is that we are still up in the air on what happens next.  Johnson looks set to become the next PM but doesn't have a clear plan.  And although he is claiming to have a goal of leaving on the 31st of October you'd have to be pretty generous to take that at face value given his track record.  So basically, nothing much is happening and the clock is still ticking.

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