Tuesday, 30 July 2019

No Deal Brexit Is A Failed Brexit

So of all the nonsense spoken about Brexit, and boy is there a lot of it, the biggest offence against common sense is the notion that leaving without a deal is in some way a valid outcome.   It is no such thing.   It is a complete failure to come to terms with the way the world is.

Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Boris Pulls It Off

So Boris has pulled it off.  How do I feel about it?  To be honest I am still not really sure.  I have never had any affection for the man.  I don't find his jokes funny.  I don't respect his blustery persona.  And I certainly don't trust that he has the interests of the country at heart.  The only thing I'd trust him with would be a gig as a Dulux dog lookalike.

Monday, 22 July 2019

Democracy is doing fine. Brexit not so much.

Person Dropping Paper On Box

I waste far too much of my time arguing with Brexiters on Twitter.  I shouldn't do it.  But it is enlightening.  It doesn't take long before you get accused of not liking democracy.  Well I do like democracy. And Brexit was on the point of being delivered democratically.   Leave had won the referendum.  This was decisive enough, but thanks to Mrs May's inability to pass up the chance for an historic election victory it was confirmed.

Sunday, 21 July 2019

Boris Could Be the Remainers Friend

Yukiya Amano with Boris Johnson in London - 2018 (41099455635) (cropped).jpg
Soon To Be Remainer Pinup Boris Johnson

So we'll have Boris Johnson as prime minister in a couple of days time.  What is he going to do?  Could he possibly be about to emerge as the remainers' greatest friend? 

Brexit is damaging your personal brand

Peace Sign
Brexit is harming us all

The Financial Times reports some research indicating that Brexit is damaging Britain’s standing around the world.  This isn’t good.  But it also affects our own standing in the world as individuals.  Before Brexit British people were perceived as hard working and competent.  This has real world effects - what people think of you affects how they treat you. 

Saturday, 20 July 2019

The Establishment Get Darren Grimes Off

Image result for i know my place
Someone was bound to bring class into Brexit

Darren Grimes is a very annoying man.   His main point is that he is working class - something which is hardly an achievement in itself requiring simply to be born that way.   I managed the same trick.  And it is certainly true that being working class does come with some disadvantages.  There isn't a huge amount you can do about it.  But one thing that I recommend is not going on about it all the bleeding time.  It's much better to be clear eyed about the way the world is and behave accordingly.

Friday, 19 July 2019

Kipper Lie

The trouble is this has all become routine, and it really shouldn't have done.  Boris Johnson gets up in front of a party meeting and waves a kipper over his head.  As showmanship goes, it wasn't the greatest.  But it was nonetheless a powerful enough image to get onto the front pages.   And naturally the question in everyone's head was 'why a kipper?'.

Friday, 12 July 2019

Nobody Will Enjoy No Deal

Person Holding Silver Pen Signing Photographers Signature
Just about any deal is better than no deal

Have you ever discovered that you were totally and catastrophically wrong about something?  And that other people were too?  I remember when I started my degree the first exercise we were set was to write a one page essay on how the Amazon rain forest was important as a source of oxygen.  It was a big news story at the time.

Thursday, 11 July 2019

It's Not The Economy, Stupid

Talking About Money Doesn't Sway People's Opinion

Because it is so obvious that economists don't remotely understand how the economy works, it is easy to forget that while us non-economists may not be quite as clueless we don't really understand it either.

Nobody does.

I Don't Think Things Are So Bad

Weirdly I feel very optimistic.  I was expecting the Tories to win big.  Well they won a lot bigger than I expected.  Their losses in th...