Friday, 23 February 2018

Divergence - How It Will Cost Jobs

I was reading a recent Westminster regulation as part of my job the other day.  Divergence is already starting.  It starts with a definition which is similar to but different from the existing one that is in use in the relevant EU regulations.  It might well have been simply that the drafters didn't bother looking at the EU text, or weren't aware of its existence.  Or possibly they felt that they couldn't refer to it without making an otherwise routine bit of legislation into a political football.  Who knows?  But it is already adding to the complexity of my business.  This kind of thing is lose-lose of course.  It will make the UK a harder market for EU and other foreign countries to export into as well as adding to the UK's costs and making us less competitive.  The sooner we get back to common sense and rejoin the better.

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