Friday, 21 October 2016

Theresa May Keeping The Door Open

One of the things I started this blog for was to record what people were saying in real life about Brexit.  My observation is that unlike during the campaign, nobody is talking about it offline.  (People online are mainly talking to other people who agree with them, but that's another story.)  This is a little surprising given that it is in the news a lot and I can't be the only one for whom it is something that is going to have a direct effect on my life and business.

But one person who has been talking about it is Theresa May, who at 1.00am this morning told the other members of the EU that for as long as Britain is a member it will continue to play a full role with the implication that the other states can't start working on the assumption that Britain is out and can be ignored.

I agree with her in principle on this one.  Britain is a European country and if the other 27 countries are meeting we really should be there and playing our part - both to play our part in promoting our common interests and to stand up for our particular interests.  I find the idea of Britain being excluded quite intolerable in fact.  Follow the logic one step further and you have to wonder if Mrs May wants to keep Britain closely involved in the EU after we have left.  That would make sense.

The question is what form this involvement would take.  Supposing there was some form of associate membership we could have that kept a lot of the current arrangements intact.  We'd leave the EU but keep most of the advantages.  It would certainly make rejoining pretty easy.

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