Friday, 10 February 2017

The Brexit Bill - as in the one we are going to pay

The Brexit Bill has just started its progress through parliament with both the big parties backing it.  This means there will be plenty of human interest stories to come of MPs having to vote against the country's interests and their own opinions - or to vote against their party's instructions and quite often the views expressed by the people who elected them.

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

How Brexit Has Made Me Feel

I have learnt a lot from the whole Brexit business.  Most of it is positive.  I have discovered that I really like the United Kingdom and the way it works.  The House of Commons is a very good forum, and although I don't like the actual policy it is interesting just how well it is accommodating itself to implementing the expressed will of the people.

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Brexit Making UK Weaker Already - Some Details

Weak pound means UK supermarkets don't get the pick of the crop

Sunday morning is when I review the news stories to see if there is anything worth adding to this Brexit as it happens account.  There wasn't anything big in the media, but even so a couple of things combined with some personal experiences I think are illuminating.

I Don't Think Things Are So Bad

Weirdly I feel very optimistic.  I was expecting the Tories to win big.  Well they won a lot bigger than I expected.  Their losses in th...